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HomeTraining Classes


Our current class schedule and registration
Class Schedule

(If you already know what class you are registering for, click on the Class Schedule and go directly to registration)

* * * Start here if you have a new puppy or a new adolecent/mature dog! * * *

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AKC STAR Puppy Classes


This class helps you prepare your pup for life in a human world. The two of you will learn how to use positive training methods to teach basic commands such as sit, down, stay as well learning to come when called and the beginnings of leash walking. Puppy raising questions about housebreaking, jumping up, chewing and any other common puppy behaviors can also be addressed with your instructor.  We suggest you take this class before the Basic Obedience class if your puppy is still under a year.




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Beginner Obedience
Beginner Obedience

Beginner Obedience

For the new dog and/or the new owner teaching the basics of well-mannered dogs. This class is all about hands-on training sessions with the dog  using positive lure/reward training.  These classes train the basics of a well-mannered dog and teach the skills needed to be a Canine Good Citizen.




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Advanced Obedience Classes
Advanced Obedience

Advanced Obedience Classes


These classes are for those who are interested in further obedience training, competing in (Beginner Novice / Novice / Open and Utility) competitions as well as those who are ready to show. These classes involve refining skills for all the Beginner Novice and Novice exercises, run-throughs, and review of AKC rules & regulations for competition.



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Ready to use those new skills and have some fun?  Try some of these fun classes:

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Rally Classes
Rally Classes

Rally Classes

Rally is all about teamwork. You and your dog navigate a course together, side-by-side. You move through a course where you and your dog  performs different exercises. The course consists of signs instructing the handler on what to do next.  Rally is the fun way to continue training and building a relationship with your dog.  You and your dog can earn titles in Rally when you compete!




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Agility Classes

In Agility, you and your dog work as a team as you participate together.  Our classes will introduce you a variety of special skills used on the courses, body positioning, motion and introduction to all of the obstacles used by AKC and CPE in agility competition.

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Open and Utility Classes

This class offers you even more obedience training where you and your dog get ready to compete.  You transition into off lead exercises such as heeling, drop on recall, retrieving and command discrimination.  At this level, you and your dog are a team working as one.

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Scentwork Classes

Develop your dog’s natural scenting abilities. Scent work activities help your dog build confidence, burn both mental and physical energy, and help handlers learn about their dogs’ scenting abilities.

Looking to take your training a bit further? Here are some classes that may be offered occasionally for specific skills or just for fun! 

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Trick training is a great way for you and your dog to bond while having fun.  The tricks you teach your dog are based on the AKC trick guidelines but the class focuses making it fun for your dog while learning everyday useful tricks(ie closing the crate door, go to your place, waving hello, speak, touch and many many more). 

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Canine Good Citizen (CGC)
Canine Good Citizen (CGC)
Canine Good Citizen is a way for you to show that your dog has learned to listen to your commands and is obedient. 

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Conformation Handling
Conformation Handling
Conformation Handling preps you and your dog for competitive judging. You will learn what to expect when you show your dog.  From entering the ring, how to move with your dog to and keeping your dog steady during judge exam to getting into that perfect stack.

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AKC Temperament
AKC Temperament
This class will help you build your dogs confidence for real world situations and obstacles.  The class follows the AKC Temperament testing guidelines and can earn your dog the AKC ATT title.

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