6-weeks of AKC Agility Beginner Foundation through Competition Level Handling
$220 for non-members /$190 for members - Checks payable to IRDTC - Class is taught off-site.
For more information about scheduling & location, please contact Lee Ann Fain-Schultz via TEXT at (321) 323-4664
10-11 a.m.
(1st class 9:30 a.m.)
Rings 1 & 2
Beginner Obedience
Barbara Davis
Jennifer Arent
8-week sessions
Session 1: 1/6-2/24
Session 2: 3/10-4/28
Session 3: 5/12-7/7 skipping 5/26
Session 4: 7/14-9/8 skipping 9/1
Session 5: 9/22-11/10
More Info & Register
Ring 2 |
Open / Utility
Norine Noonan |
Drop-In Training
8-week sessions
Session 1: 1/6-2/24
Session 2: 3/10-4/28
Session 3: 5/12-7/7 skipping 5/26
Session 4: 7/14-9/8 skipping 9/1
Session 5: 9/22-11/10
More Info
4-5 p.m.
Ring1 |
Agility Foundation - Part 1
Norine Noonan |
8-week sessions
Session 1: 1/6-2/24
Session 2: 3/10-4/28
Session 3: 5/12-7/7 skipping 5/26
Session 4: 7/14-9/8 skipping 9/1
Session 5: 9/22-11/10
6-7 p.m.
Ring1 |
Agility Foundation - Part 2
Norine Noonan |
8-week sessions
Session 1: 1/6-2/24
Session 2: 3/10-4/28
Session 3: 5/12-7/7 skipping 5/26
Session 4: 7/14-9/8 skipping 9/1
Session 5: 9/22-11/10
More Info & Register |
6-7 p.m.
Ring 2
Prep for Beginner Novice & Novice Competition
Denise Michaels
8-week sessions
Session 1: 1/6-2/24
Session 2: 3/10-4/28
Session 3: 5/12-7/7 skipping 5/26
Session 4: 7/14-9/8 skipping 9/1
Session 5: 9/22-11/10
More Info & Register |
10-11 a.m.
Ring 2
Intro to Open
Janet Kaplan
8-week sessions
Session 1: 1/7-2/25
Session 2: 3/11-4/29
Session 3: 5/13-7/1
Session 4: 7/15-9/2
Session 5: 9/23-11/11
More Info & Register
11:30-12:30 p.m.
Ring 1
Prep for Beginner Novice & Novice Competition
Martha Alamo
8-week sessions
Session 1: 1/7-2/25
Session 2: 3/11-4/29
Session 3: 5/13-7/1
Session 4: 7/15-9/2
Session 5: 9/23-11/11
More Info & Register
2-3 p.m.
Ring 1
Beginner Skills for
Teacup Agility
Jane Derr
8-week sessions
Session 1: 1/7-2/25
Session 2: 3/11-4/29
Session 3: 5/13-7/1
Session 4: 7/15-9/2
Session 5: 9/23-11/11
More Info & Register
4:30-5:30 p.m.
Ring 2 |
ATT Temperament
Jessie Broadway |
8-week sessions
Session 1: 1/7-2/25
Session 2: 3/11-4/29
Session 3: 5/13-7/1
Session 4: 7/15-9/2
Session 5: 9/23-11/11
More Info & Register |
6-7 p.m.
Ring 1
Advanced Teacup Agility
(Full Courses)
Jane Derr
8-week sessions
Session 1: 1/7-2/25
Session 2: 3/11-4/29
Session 3: 5/13-7/1
Session 4: 7/15-9/2
Session 5: 9/23-11/11
More Info & Register
6-7 p.m.
Ring 2
Beginner Obedience
Jennifer Arent
8-week sessions
Session 1: 1/7-2/25
Session 2: 3/11-4/29
Session 3: 5/13-7/1
Session 4: 7/15-9/2
Session 5: 9/23-11/11
More Info & Register |
7:15-8:45 p.m.
(90 min)
Ring 1 & 2
AKC STAR Puppy Plus
Terry Harville
8-week sessions
Session 1: 1/7-2/25
Session 2: 3/11-4/29
Session 3: 5/13-7/1
Session 4: 7/15-9/2
Session 5: 9/23-11/11
More Info & Register
9:30-10:30 a.m.
Ring 2
Intro to Open
Holly Jedlicka
8-week sessions
Session 1: 1/8-2/26
Session 2: 3/12-4/30
Session 3: 5/14-7/2
Session 4: 7/16-9/3
Session 5: 9/24-11/12
More Info & Register
10:30-11:30 a.m.
Conference Room
Jackie Sheridan
8-week sessions
Session 1: Not Offered
Session 2: 3/12-4/30
Session 3: 5/14-7/2
Session 4: 7/16-9/3
Session 5: 9/24-11/12
More Info & Register
10-11 a.m.
Ring 1 |
Intro to Utility
Janet Kaplan |
8-week sessions
Session 1: 1/8-2/26
Session 2: 3/12-4/30
Session 3: 5/14-7/2
Session 4: 7/16-9/3
Session 5: 9/24-11/12
More Info & Register |
11-12 p.m.
Ring 2
Advanced Open
Claire Carlen
8-week sessions
Session 1: 1/8-2/26
Session 2: 3/12-4/30
Session 3: 5/14-7/2
Session 4: 7/16-9/3
Session 5: 9/24-11/12
More Info & Register
11:30-12:30 p.m.
Ring 1
Advanced Beginner
Jennifer Arent |
8-week sessions
Session 1: 1/8-2/26
Session 2: 3/12-4/30
Session 3: 5/14-7/2
Session 4: 7/16-9/3
Session 5: 9/24-11/12
More Info & Register
6-7 p.m.
Ring 1
Rally (All Levels)
Debbie Wells
8-week sessions
Session 1: 1/8-2/12
Session 2: 3/12-4/30
Session 3: 5/14-7/2
Session 4: 7/16-9/3
Session 5: 9/24-11/12
More Info & Register
6:30-7:30 p.m.
Ring 2
Rally (All Levels)
Sue Muntz
8-week sessions
Session 1: 1/8-2/26
Session 2: 3/12-4/30
Session 3: 5/14-6/18
Session 4: 7/16-8/20
Session 5: 9/24-10/29
More Info & Register
9:30-11 a.m.
Ring 1 & 2
Rally (All Levels)
Holly Jedlicka
8-week sessions
Session 1: 1/9-2/27
Session 2: 3/13-5/1
Session 3: 5/15-7/3
Session 4: 7/17-9/4
Session 5: 9/25-11/13
More Info & Register
11:30-12:30 p.m.
Ring 1
AKC Tricks Class
Performer Level
Martha Alamo
8-week sessions
Session 1: 1/9-2/27
Session 2: 3/13-5/1
Session 3: 5/15-7/3
Session 4: 7/17-9/4
Session 5: 9/25-11/13
More Info & Register
1-2 p.m.
(1st class meets in the training center conference room) |
Canine Good Citizen
Prep Class
Martha Alamo
8-week sessions
Session 1: 1/9-2/27
Session 2: 3/13-5/1
Session 3: 5/15-7/3
Session 4: 7/17-9/4
Session 5: 9/25-11/13
More Info & Register
6-7 p.m.
(1st class 5:30 p.m.)
Ring 1 & 2
Beginner Obedience
Barbara Davis
8-week sessions
Session 1: 1/9-2/27
Session 2: 3/13-5/1
Session 3: 5/15-7/3
Session 4: 7/17-9/4
Session 5: 9/25-11/13
More Info & Register
7:30-8:30 p.m.
Ring 2
Intro to Open
Cheryl Duquette
8-week sessions
Session 1: 1/9-2/27
Session 2: 3/13-5/1
Session 3: 5/15-7/3
Session 4: 7/17-9/4
Session 5: 9/25-11/13
More Info & Register |
7:30-8:30 p.m.
Ring 1
Advanced Beginner
Hazel Sooter
8-week sessions
Session 1: 1/9-2/27
Session 2: 3/13-5/1
Session 3: 5/15-7/3
Session 4: 7/17-9/4
Session 5: 9/25-11/13
More Info & Register
NOTE: Friday, Saturday & Sunday classes (except for Off-Campus classes) will skip weekends when there are trials at the training facility.
10-11:15 a.m.
Ring 1
Rally (All Levels)
Debbie Wells
7 week sessions
Session 1: 1/10-3/7
skipping 2/21 & 2/28
Session 2: 3/14-4/25
Session 3: 5/16-7/11
skipping 6/6, 7/4
Session 4: 7/18-9/19
skipping 7/25, 8/8, 9/5
Session 5: 9/26-11/21
skipping 10/24, 11/7
More Info & Register |
2-3 p.m.
Ring 1
AKC Scent
Drills and Skills
Jessie Broadway
7 week sessions
Session 2: 3/14-4/25
Session 3: 5/16-7/11
skipping 6/6, 7/4
Session 4: 7/18-9/19
skipping 7/25, 8/8, 9/5
Session 5: 9/26-11/21
skipping 10/24, 11/7
More Info & Register |
6-7:15 p.m.
Ring 1 |
Tricks Novice
Jennifer Martin |
7 week session
Session 1: 1/10-3/7
skipping 2/21 & 2/28
8 week session
Session 2: 3/14-5/2
7 week sessions
Session 3: 5/16-7/11
skipping 6/6, 7/4
Session 4: 7/18-9/19
skipping 7/25, 8/8, 9/5
Session 5: 9/26-11/21
skipping 10/24, 11/7
More Info & Register |
8-9:15 a.m.
Off Campus
(1stclass meets in the training center conference room)
Canine Good Citizen
(CGC) Prep Class
Debbie Wells
7-week sessions
Session 1: 1/11-2/22
Session 2: 3/15-4/26
Session 3: 5/17-6/28
Session 4: Not Offered
Session 5: 9/27-11/8
More Info & Register |
8-9 a.m.
Ring 1 & 2 |
AKC Scent Work
Imprinting & Beginners
Diane Stanton
6-week sessions
Session 1: 1/11-2/15
Session 2: 3/29-5/3
skipping 3/15 & 3/22
Session 3: 5/17-6/28
skipping 6/7
Session 4: 7/19-9/20
skipping 7/26, 8/2, 8/9 & 9/6
Session 5: 9/27-11/15
skipping 10/25 & 11/8
More Info & Register |
9:30-10:30 a.m.
Ring 1 & 2 |
AKC Scent Work
Steve Scalzi
6-week sessions
Session 1: 1/11-2/15
Session 2: 3/29-5/3
skipping 3/15 & 3/22
Session 3: 5/17-6/28
skipping 6/7
Session 4: 7/19-9/20
skipping 7/26, 8/2, 8/9 & 9/6
Session 5: 9/27-11/15
skipping 10/25 & 11/8
More Info & Register |
11-12 p.m.
Ring 1 & 2 |
AKC Scent Work
Steve Scalzi
6-week sessions
Session 1: 1/11-2/15
Session 2: 3/29-5/3
skipping 3/15 & 3/22
Session 3: 5/17-6/28
skipping 6/7
Session 4: 7/19-9/20
skipping 7/26, 8/2, 8/9 & 9/6
Session 5: 9/27-11/15
skipping 10/25 & 11/8
More Info & Register |
1-2:15 p.m.
(75 min)
Ring 1 & 2
Beginner Obedience
Barbara Davis
7-week session
Session 1: 1/4-2/15
Session 2: 3/15-4/26
Session 3: 5/17-7/12
skipping 6/7 & 7/5
Session 4: Not Offered
Session 5: Not Offered
More Info & Register |
2-3 p.m.
Ring 1
Terry Harville
Drop-In Training
Contact Instructor for
class dates
More Info